Five articles that have us buzzing this week
4 Female Olympians Form Media Company to Boost Coverage of Women in Sports
It’s time to raise some noise for a new era of media coverage surrounding women of sport. Introducing TOGETHXR, a new media platform co-founded by four female Olympic champions, whose goal is to empower and hand over the mic to the next generation of female athletes. For too long women’s sports coverage has had to fight for the scraps of media attention. Read more about how TOGETHXR aims to amplify the voice of women in sports and share their stories.
Striving for a more inclusive workplace? Start by examining your language
Diversity and inclusion is a high priority for many companies this year but this article examines how that priority might not be effectively communicated to a company’s own employees. This is a harmful trend as it could be interpreted as companies not actually wanting to change but just hopping on the diversity bandwagon. At Swarm, we are proud to announce that we have started an employee-managed Diversity & Inclusion Committee that allows all employees to be involved and is driven forward by employees’ own ideas.
Email and Slack Have Locked Us in a Productivity Paradox
Workplace productivity was a big worry a year ago when companies started working remotely, many of which did not have the infrastructure needed to support a fully remote workforce. Email, Slack, Zoom, and other technologies have greatly helped employees communicate but at what point is there too much communication and not enough focus on the work product?
Leaning on loyalty, Chipotle orchestrates engagement across channels
If burritos are the way to your heart then this loyalty program might be the way to your first party data. As more data privacy regulations are put in place and customers get more wary about handing over their data, loyalty programs give the opportunity to provide value to customers in the form of free chips and queso while marketing programs reap the rewards of your data. Restaurants are the biggest loyalty program players but expect to see additional industries implement loyalty programs in the future.
Data Shows Impact Of COVID-19 On Ad Budgets
Ad spend was quite a moving target last year but the largest increases and decreases may not be surprising. The largest increase came from higher education (+481%) possibly touting online resources and learning. Consumer Electronics, Sporting Goods and other industries focused on providing customers something to do at home also rose. The declines were also expected with entertainment, travel, and airlines taking the top spots.